LANTRA Professional Tree Inspection – Refresher
Our course will help you recognise and work within the limits of your competence in this vital field. We utilise existing knowledge and information to ensure you'll be up to speed with all the key elements of the Professional Tree Inspection programme. You'll also learn the latest examples of good health and safety practice.
Who should attend? Professional arboriculturalists who have previously successfully completed the Professional Tree Inspection course. Frequency of refresher training will greatly depend upon how often the learner is involved in undertaking inspections, but it would be recommended on a five yearly basis.
People professionally involved in arboriculture – specifically tree inspection.
Training will take place at Turvey House, Turvey, Bedfordshire, MK43 8EL
Please contact us to discuss your requirements
Course Specific Notes
What will be covered?
By the end of this course, you'll be able to:
• Recognise the role of the tree inspector in risk management
• Identify the legal framework in the context of statute and common law that affect tree
inspection and the duties and liabilities of the owner, manager, and inspector
• Summarise how a tree system functions, what constitutes a safe tree and know that
energy is required to keep the tree in a healthy/safe state
• Adopt a systematic and consistent methodology for carrying out visual tree inspection at
an advanced level with the aid of binoculars, mallet, and probe
• Collect data out in the field in accordance with the inspection instructions (having
determined the scope and limitations) using a suitable format. (For this course a written
survey template with appropriate headings will be used)
• Recognise a range of observable mechanical and biological defects as seen in trees and
confirm by the use of textbooks where necessary
• Identify a range of commonly seen pests, diseases, and disorders that affect tree safety,
confirm their identity by the use of textbooks, where necessary, and state the
arboricultural significance of finding them in the field
• State the appropriate control/remedial measures required to eliminate or reduce risks
identified in the inspection process to an acceptable level
• Determine when an aerial inspection is required, also if pro-active management
recommendations can be made which may eliminate future defects from forming
• Prioritise the necessary tree/management works with time scales based on a broad
category of risk assessment
• Identify when it is appropriate to recommend the use of decay detecting or measuring
equipment, based on a basic knowledge of the working principles of commonly available
• Understand that a balance between the remedial measure opted for and the range of
benefits/values that a tree may have requires special attention, for example, amenity,
wildlife, historical, veteran, rarity, and public access.