Safely learn how to use this powerful piece of equipment. This course is designed for beginners or more experienced users to develop the basics and understand the techniques of using a Woodchipper. Walk away from this course with newfound skills and knowledge ready to develop out in the field.
We have 1 dedicated day for training and assessment. Number of candidates per course: 6
During in this course, you will cover:
- Carry out operator checks and identify the safety features of a Woodchipper
- Inspect and identify defects on the blades
- Prepare machine prior to operation, start the machine, carry out safety checks and stop machine
- Prepare a work area and a range of materials for chipping and identify hazardous materials not to be chipped
- Use approved techniques to chip woody brash and both short and long sections of timber safely and effectively
- Procedure for removing blockages
- And more
After finishing this course, you would receive a Certificate.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements
Course Specific Notes
You will need to bring:
- Non snag clothing suitable for all weather as you will be outside
- Arborist Helmet, complete with full mesh face shield and visor also ear defenders conform to 31SNR ra
- Steel Toe Cap Boots or Chainsaw BootsWork Gloves
- A form of photo ID either valid driving licence or passport
We recommend bringing your own equipment along, if possible. This will give the best possible experience.
Important Information:
Joining instructions will be sent around 7-14 days before the course starts and will contain full details of location, equipment and course timings.
Please note that lunch is not provided.
All courses are non transferable and non refundable from the point of sale or issued proforma.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our team.
VENUE: Course held at a IslipTraining Centre or a Northamptonshire venue.